Jace Daniel is a writer making his diggings in Los Angeles. His written work has been published in three New York Times Bestsellers. His creative portfolio can be reviewed in the Showcase. His resume is available here.
In 2011 he published his first novel Under Angels, a supernatural thriller set in legendary tunnels beneath Los Angeles. He adapted the book to a screenplay the following year, winning the Script Pipeline First Look Project (Horror/Thriller) in 2012. The script also made finalist at the Table Read My Screenplay Competition Austin in 2013 and ScreamCraft Horror Script Contest in 2014. Under Angels is now being reviewed by producers and looking to go the whole figure once it finds the right home.
When he’s not doing his own splendiferous taletelling, Jace Daniel distills clientele concepts into words, visuals, and other forms of expression in any form of media. He will take your creative vision and turn it into an engaging story, an effective slogan, a catchy tagline, a smart logo, or a powerful advertisement. As a web and blogging veteran, he places great importance on SEO, clean HTML, accessible layouts, responsive UX, and constantly evolving mobile trends. He’s been part of the social media landscape since it first appeared, and has produced mobile applications and websites for Fortune 500 companies.
All products made slick as a whistle and in apple pie order. 100% hell-fired awesome by volume.